Here You Will be Guided to Flash Your A13 Tab using a Computer.
First of All to Flash Your Tab You need,,
(1)Software Called "LiveSuit". You Can Download LiveSuit Pack from
Here (15Mb).
(2)Firmware for Your Tablet in .img format.Click
Here to get your firmware for your A13 tablet.
(1) Download & Extract Livesuitepack v1.19. No need to Install. Software can be used after Extraction.
(2) Run the Application "LiveSuit" Inside the Extracted Folder.
(3) Program Will Start and in the dialog box appear, Select NO.
(4) Then, Click "select img".
(5)In the next window you have to select your firmware file for your A13 tab which you are going to flash with.
It MUST be in the .img format.
Find your file from where you downloaded it and after selecting the file click open..
(6)Now you have selected the firmware and it is ready to be flashed to your tab.Finally it will look like this.
(7) Now is the time to connect your Tablet to your Computer.
Most Probably it is already switched off or if it is not, turn it off.(hold the power button for few seconds to turn it off)
Connecting your tablet is bit Tricky,
(I)Connect your data cable to your computer.(
do not connect it to the tablet)
WHILE Holding Volume Up(+) Button, Connect your data cable to your Tablet.
Remember to Hold Vol.+ button.
(III) Do not let it go, After a second or two computer will inform you that drivers are installed and a Dialog box will appear.
DO NOT loose vol.+ button until you see this dialog box.
After the dialog box appeared let the button go.
(9) In the Dialog box you will be asked if you want to completely format your tablet(Erase it memory too) or just to install the software.
Click NO(recommended) to install the firmware only.
(10) A loading Bar will start to fill. Wait until 100% is completed.(it will take few minutes)
DO NOT remove tablet or Power off your computer until it is completed.
(11) After it is completed a dialog box will appear confirming firmware installation was successful.Then tablet will reboot automatically. Now you can remove tablet from your PC.
That is it !!. Your Dead tablet is now Totally okay. ENJOY!!